The Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) & The Queensland Substance Misuse Council (QISMC) through the “AOD-OUR-WAY Project” have partnered with The Queensland Injectors Health Network (QuIHN) to develop a 2 day “Dual Diagnosis/ Brief Intervention” staff training workshop to support frontline workers in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations to better respond to people affected by Crystal Meth (Ice) use.
With the growing concerns around Crystal Meth (Ice) QAIHC & QISMC have been actively supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Community Controlled sector to meet the challenges in their communities through the “AOD-OUR-WAY Project”. Through this Project we have delivered Crystal Meth (Ice) workshops in 20 communities to approximately 420 frontline workers in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control services.
This “Dual Diagnosis/ Brief Intervention” staff training workshop compliments the “AOD-OUR-WAY Project” Crystal Meth (Ice) workshops already delivered and, provides focussed staff training through a “Stages of Change” framework.
Strategies presented in the training are simple and effective so they can be used informally and formally with clients. Whether you are with a person for 20 minutes or see them regularly over a couple of weeks, this training will be useful.